5+ Ways to Earn a Passive and Decent Income in 2021

In 2020, many people lost their jobs or have cut-offs in their salaries, which have enforced us to spend our savings on daily necessities. It’s been a whole year now since the pandemic started and everyone is starting a new normal life.

We have also realized the value of savings and how we spend our money on unnecessary things. Our lifestyle has changed and we have also started maintaining our health. But do you think of starting to have a passive income apart from your jobs? Or want to start a business, part-time or full-time if you are a student, a housewife, or jobless.

Why you should start a Business and generate a Passive Income?

In 2020, everyone has faced cut-offs in salaries which have made it difficult to maintain our lifestyle before the pandemic. It has been difficult to pay the salaries to housemaids, fees for educational institutions, pay bills for groceries, rents, etc.

It is obvious reason to have a passive income so that we don’t have to face difficulties we have faced till now.

Ways to Start Business and Generate Passive Income

Here are ways to start a business and work from home to generate a passive and decent income in 2021.

1. Start a New Blog

Blogging is the very interesting way to have a passive income, you can follow your dream at your own pace and earn money from it.

Write blog posts or articles of your favorite niche and get traffic to your sites to start earning. You can earn by advertising sites, paid advertising, and affiliate marketing.

To host a blog, you can start with Blogger or WordPress.

2. Start Youtube Channel

If you don’t you are better at expressing your thoughts in the form of videos instead of writing, starting a Youtube channel is worth it. You can choose your favorite niche and start making videos. It needs some technical knowledge of video editing and photo editing. You may hesitate to start, but you will gain confidence after you upload some videos.

3. Start Selling your Services on Freelancing Sites

You can also sell your services on freelancing sites such as Fiverr, Upwork, or Freelancer. Services like web app development, mobile app development, designing, marketing, accounts, etc. are in huge demand, and you can also get decent pay for it.

You can also upgrade your skills by buying paid and free courses and learn new skills to provide service to your customers.

4. Start Reselling or Sell Home-made Products

If you are just a housewife or a student who hasn’t developed any skill that can be used to sell as a service, here is the best way to earn money. You can start your own reselling business. There are many reselling apps on Play Store and App Store which allow you to resell products. Reselling Business can be started with zero investment. You only need your phone and a good internet connection and you are good to go.

Here, is a small list of Reselling apps you can start with:

  1. Glowroad
  2. Meesho
  3. Shopmatic
  4. Shop101

5. Start your own Podcasts

If you are just bored of typing long articles and shy to show your face in front of a camera, here is the other way to start sharing your knowledge, i.e. Podcasts. Yes, you heard that right.

Podcasts are becoming trending nowadays as we are self-conscious because of long screen time, so people now want to relax and listen to podcasts in their free time. This helps to relax your eyes by staying away from the screen but still gain knowledge.

Here, are some of the good Podcasts apps:

  1. Google Podcasts
  2. Spotify
  3. Anchor
  4. Khabri

6. Start Affliate Marketing

Now, Affiliate Marketing is something that we all have heard a little about. Affiliate Marketing is a type of marketing where you can earn a commission when a person buys a product/software by your link.

Affiliate Marketing agencies or providers allow you to write an article or make a video to promote the products and share the affiliate links. It may sound tough but it’s easier when you build your brand and gain the trust of your audience.

Here, is a list of affiliate marketing programs that you can join for free and start earning:

  1. Amazon Affiliate
  2. Shareasale
  3. Shopify Affiliate
  4. Clickbank

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